Preparing for Meditation

  1. Prepare your space.

    One of the most important aspects of Meditation is preparing your space to allow you to sit or lay still for the duration of your practice without distraction.

    You may choose to lay down on the spine in savasana, placing the palms facing upwards as a sign of surrender. Placing a pillow or bolster under the knees for comfort, a blanket over your body, eye pillow and anything else to fully support the body.

    Alternative is you prepare for meditation in a seated position get any supportive props to assist. If you need blocks or blankets or cushions, make sure those are all handy and nearby. Make sure that you have more than you might possibly need so that you don’t need to get up in the middle of your practice to grab something

  2. Remove distractions.

    its also important to remove any distractions from the room. Silence your phone, feed the pets, go to the bathroom, and take care of any other issues or chores that may distract or bother you during your meditation.

  3. Gather your intentions.

    A powerful way to encourage success in meditation is to remind yourself of your intention or to set a new intention if you are not guided with one. This intention is the main focus and goal of what you wish to achieve in your meditation. Reminding yourself of this right before you meditate will deepen your focus and your resolve.

  4. Refine your posture.

    As you sit or lay for your meditation, just take a few moments to let yourself settle into your position. Make any adjustments to your posture so that your spine is long and tall, and that your body is supported with the least amount of muscular tension. A comfortable position is vital for a successful meditation practice.

  5. Adjust your breath.

    Lastly, allow yourself to settle into the experience of your breath. Take a few moments to refine the breath and encourage it to slow and deepen.

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